Steve Rhode

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A contributor for, Steve Rhode is an experienced and respected consumer debt expert that helps people for free with tips and advice on how to get out of debt through his site at

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private student loans bankruptcy
Can You Discharge Private Student Loans in Bankruptcy? Financial Options for Students
The following article is a summary prepared by the authors of var... read more

October 15, 2018

Student Loans

Could This Loophole Help You Get Rid of Your Student Loan Debt?
Could This Loophole Help You Get Rid of Your Student Loan Debt?
Recently I fielded a couple of questions from people who were hop... read more

July 8, 2015

Student Loans

There's a Catch to Income-Based Repayment That Could Cost You Money
Thereโ€™s a Catch to Income-Based Repayment That Could Cost You Money
When it comes to dealing with student loans it can be a good news... read more

March 16, 2015

Student Loans

Will You Finally Be Able to Get Rid of Your Student Loans in Bankruptcy?
Will You Finally Be Able to Get Rid of Your Student Loans in Bankruptcy?
This week the White House announced a new Student Aid Bill of Rig... read more

March 12, 2015

Student Loans

How Avoiding Bankruptcy Can Backfire
How Avoiding Bankruptcy Can Backfire
In the world of personal finance, credit concerns and debt issues... read more

March 2, 2015

Managing Debt

Will Settling a Private Student Loan Wreck My Credit?
Will Settling a Private Student Loan Wreck My Credit?
A reader recently wrote in, concerned about whether an old unpaid... read more

February 24, 2015

Managing Debt