Orlando Rodriguez

Specializes In:

Credit Cards

Orlando is a writer and content specialist for the Credit.com team dedicated to creating helpful, informative and eye-catching content. Orlando completed his undergraduate work at the University of Utah focusing on Film and Media Arts. Orlando has written blogs and journalistic content for many different industries, and has narrowed down his niche to personal finance. Orlando has been featured on MSN, Yahoo, BestCompany, ValueWalk, and more. In his off time, Orlando writes film reviews and analyses and enjoys traveling. You can view Orlando's website here.

Credit Tools

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Paying Off Your Student Loans: Forgiveness Programs & Beyond
More than 44.2 million people in the U.S. have student loan debt,... read more

November 18, 2016

Student Loans

What’s a Credit Privacy Number?
If you’re worried about identity theft or have recently had you... read more

October 20, 2016

Identity Theft and Scams