Clark Randall

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Clark D. Randall, CFP® is the founder and owner of Financial Enlightenment, a comprehensive wealth management and financial services firm. Clark has served on the Advisory Board of the Journal of Financial Planning and the Dallas Fort Worth Financial Planning Association Board of Directors. He currently teaches financial planning at Southern Methodist University.

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Gas can make summer road trips expensive, but the right credit card can earn some of that spending back.
Should I Buy or Lease My Next Car?
One of the most common questions I am asked as a financial planne... read more

November 29, 2017

Auto Loans

3 Steps to Figure Out How Much Mortgage You Can Afford
Generally, the amount a lender will allow you to borrow for a mor... read more

September 16, 2017


An early distribution penalty isn't always inevitable. These exceptions might just apply to you.
8 Ways to Avoid Early IRA Withdrawal Penalties
Qualified retirement plans are designed to be used solely for ret... read more

July 21, 2017


When you terminate employment, you need to make some critically important decisions regarding your retirement plan.
What Should I Do With My Retirement Plan When I Change Jobs?
When you terminate employment, you need to make important decisio... read more

June 5, 2017


Can you contribute to your IRA and still get a tax break? Here's what you need to know.
Can I Still Contribute to an IRA & Get a Tax Break for 2016?
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are an excellent means to s... read more

March 27, 2017


A financial planner explains what to look for when asking someone for help managing your money.
Financial Adviser or Financial Planner: What’s the Difference?
The financial world is full of confusing acronyms and titles, and... read more

January 30, 2017
