Deanna Templeton

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Deanna Templeton is a financial literacy advocate with 15+ years in the banking and consumer credit industries, including five years with FICO in their credit scoring division. She specializes in educating consumers on the importance of healthy credit management, and shares valuable insight on consumer credit and finance issues.

Credit Tools

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after a short sale
How Long Does It Take to Rebuild My Credit After a Short Sale?
We recently received a great question from one of our readers: In... read more

August 23, 2013


ex pay loan you co-signed
Can You Force Your Ex to Pay a Loan You Co-Signed?
When you’re going through a divorce, protecting your credit... read more

August 15, 2013

Credit Score

too many unused credit cards
I Have Too Many Credit Cards. What Do I Do?
We recently received a question from a reader who wants to know i... read more

August 13, 2013

Credit Score

credit card judgment
Credit Card Judgments: How Long Before They Expire?
One of our readers wrote us recently, asking how long it takes fo... read more

August 5, 2013

Managing Debt

stop medical bill from collections
Can I Stop a Medical Bill from Going to Collections?
Unexpected medical bills can often lead to crippling debt. And if... read more

July 26, 2013

Managing Debt

filing bankruptcy hurt childrens credit
Will Filing Bankruptcy Hurt My Children’s Credit?
Filing bankruptcy can get confusing if you have shared debts. One... read more

July 22, 2013

Managing Debt