Sen. Elizabeth Warren

Specializes In:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is a member of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Previously she served as Special Advisor for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and was a professor at Harvard Law School. She is the author of "The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke" and several other books.

Credit Tools

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Sen. Warren & Rep. Cohen: Letโ€™s Stop Employer Credit Checks
By Sen. Elizabeth Warren & Rep. Steve Cohen Bad credit can ha... read more

September 15, 2015


student loan
Sen. Elizabeth Warren: The Vote That Could Cut Your Student Loan Bills
Student loan debt is exploding. It has grown so much and so fast ... read more

September 9, 2014


Elizabeth Warren: Why Equal Pay Is Worth Fighting For
Sen. Elizabeth Warren: Equal Pay Is Worth Fighting For
I honestly canโ€™t believe that weโ€™re still arguing over equal ... read more

April 17, 2014


17 Million Reasons to Raise the Minimum Wage
Sen. Elizabeth Warren: 17 Million Reasons to Raise the Minimum Wage
I have 17 million reasons for wanting to increase the minimum wag... read more

March 25, 2014
