Farnoosh Torabi

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Farnoosh Torabi is a nationally recognized author, expert and television host. Her first book, You're So Money, is an acclaimed tell-all for young adults searching for financial independence. Her new book Psych Yourself Rich, gives readers the mindset and discipline to build their financial life.

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Student Debt
Government Profiting From Student Loan Defaults?
Itโ€™s a jaw-dropping claim, but one that Alan Collinge, foun... read more

January 13, 2011

Student Loans

It's important you understand your student loans, and that starts with learning the meaning of the terms you're likely to encounter in the student-loan worl
Report: Credit Card Marketing Continues on Campus
Despite the CARD Act, which explicitly prohibits banks from marke... read more

January 11, 2011


Top Public Colleges With Lowest Student Debt Levels
Kiplingerโ€™s Magazine released its Best Values in Public Col... read more

January 6, 2011
