Randy Johnson

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Randy Johnson is a Credit.com contributor and seasoned mortgage expert. He writes about home buying, mortgage laws and real estate finance issues. He has financed over $1 billion in properties, is the author of How to Save Thousands of Dollars on your Home Mortgage and he is a feature columnist for Savvy Borrower.

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More Stupid Mortgage Rules from the Government
One of the problems with the mortgage business is that too many r... read more

February 26, 2011


Why Mortgage Applicants are Getting Terrible Customer Service
If there is one story I hear over and over these days, itโ€™s abo... read more

January 19, 2011


Awaiting the True Fallout from Countrywide
Weโ€™re in still the throes of the mortgage meltdown, and it&... read more

January 7, 2011
