in the News: Feb. 4, 2012

We had an eventful week with the opening celebration for our new Times Square offices and would like to thank everyone who helped us fete the big event. We enjoyed bumping elbows with a cross-section of industry leaders and dedicated journalists. Our credit and debt experts were on hand to share all of their insight on the industry. Please enjoy this weekโ€™s highlights from our credit experts in the media:

Bad Credit Can Cost You A Job

The headline for this story is sad, but true. Many of us could be subject to judgment from out credit history when it comes to potentialโ€”and currentโ€”employment status. When living in such a credit score-centric society, many of us become determined to build our scores, but not everyone goes about it correctly. Credit.comโ€™s debt expert Gerri Detweiler explains some of the dos and donโ€™ts of credit score building. @karryhannon @forbes

Best Cards You Can Get With a Mediocre Credit Score

Sprung from fierce competition amid the credit card companies, a spot has opened up on the credit field for those who donโ€™t have the most attractive credit history. With new options come new questions, and who better to answer them than Credit.comโ€™s credit expert Beverly Harzog! Her advice can help credit newcomers navigate the world of APRs, rewards and cash back incentives. @JeanineSko @maisstr

FTC Continues its Fight Against Abusive Debt Collectors

The Huffington Post ran an article about the crackdown on unlawful debt collecting practices. The story includes a clip from Fight Back Against Debt Collectors where the hosts recommend Gerri Detweilerโ€™s book Stop Debt Collectors as an in-depth tool for learning the best practices to avoid debt-related problems. @HuffingtonPost

We would like to give a special thanks to our open house guests from the media: Ismat Mangla, Alex Alper, Dan Arnall, Charlie Herman, Kali Gadis, Jeanine Skowronski, Colin Campbell, Kathryn Tuggle, Seth Fiegerman, Mathew Brownell, Farnoosh Torabi, Greg Gilderman, Timothy Barello, Philip Cioppa, Beth Pinsker Gladstone, Charles Chesler and Scott Bilker.

Image: NS Newsflash, via

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