Data breaches have been a recurring theme, particularly in the past month. This week, Credit.comโs Credit Experts continued to weigh in on the issue via the media. Chairman and Co-Founder Adam Levin specializes in identity theft and spoke to several news outlets about the latest developments in the Target and Neiman Marcus data breaches. Interviews included time with the Detroit Free Press (@tompor), Kiplinger (@Kiplinger) and Womenโs Wear Daily (@womensweardaily).
Contributor Bob Sullivan was also interviewed about the Target breach, and his thoughts were included in this piece on NBC Nightly News.
Another type of fraud has been in the media lately, since 2013 came to an end and people are starting to think about tax season. Adam and Director of Consumer Education Gerri Detweiler gave interviews on taxpayer identity theft to CNBC (@TheConsumerman), and WTOP (@DSotisWTOP), respectively.
Gerri was cited in a Kiplinger article on credit to-dos for 2014 (@CHLebedinsky), as well as a report on Fox Business News about lenders following consumers on social media (@TheWillisReport).
More on Identity Theft:
- Identity Theft: What You Need to Know
- How Do I Dispute an Error on My Credit Report?
- 3 Dumb Things You Can Do With Email
- The Risks You Face From Identity Theft
- How Can You Tell If Your Identity Has Been Stolen?
- What Should I Do If Iโm a Victim of Identity Theft?
- How Credit Impacts Your Day-to-Day Life
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