in the News 10/6/12

This week the experts from spoke with the media about issues involving politics, credit scores, credit cards and debt. Check out the hitsโ€ฆ

Which presidential candidate has the consumerโ€™s back? co-founder and chairman Adam Levin gave his pick for the presidential candidate whoโ€™s better for consumers in a WTOP radio segment last week. You can hear his view on what the election means to consumers, plus valuable credit advice.


4 Lessons To Improve Your Credit Score

Credit.comโ€™s director of consumer education, Gerri Detweiler talks to Forbes about the best ways to build your credit score. She offers several lessons on boosting credit scores, such as which cards to choose, having available credit, paying medical bills and closing accounts.

@GerriDetweiler @consumermayer @Forbes

6 Steps to Finding Your Best Credit Card

Gerri spoke to US News and World Report about how to find the right credit card. The first step Gerri suggests is to determine your own credit worthiness. Other important factors in choosing a credit card are matching them to your own usage, taking advantage of online promotions and holding out for a card that gives you the most benefits. Click through for the details.

@alphaconsumer @USNews

There are Ways to Remove Bad Credit Marks

Gerri lent her credit savvy to the Detroit Free Press when asked if itโ€™s possible to remove negative hits to your credit report. Gerri explains that this can happen, but it will take some negotiating and there is no guarantee of success. She outlines who will likely get adjustments, how to get them and how to prove them.

@tomper @freep

Apps Keep You on Track for Holiday Shopping

Gerri spoke to CIO Today about financial apps to keep on track of holiday shopping. Gerri is a fan of these apps if they work for people and are being used. She personally likes to use Excel spread sheets and folders with receipts. Itโ€™s noted that there are some impressive new apps out there that make it easy for tech-minded folks to do their calculations. Finance experts agree that any method you have for keeping your finances in check is a good one.

@jayneodonell @ciomagazine

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