in the News 8/17/12

This week the experts from contributed to a wide range of publications on subjects including robo-signing, mortgage news, credit scores, credit cards and divorce. Check out the hitsโ€ฆ co-founder Adam Levin talks to ABC about the rampant problem of credit card lawsuit errors due to robo-signing. He also points out that credit card companies are in a frenzy trying to recoup money lost from government restricted fees.

@Adam_K_Levin @Skimm

The Wall Street Journalโ€™s Daily Wrap called on Adam to discuss a new danger in identity theft, wallet hacking. Adam, always airing on the side of caution offers protection options, but explains that the risk of wallet hacking isnโ€™t very high, yet.


The blogโ€™s Deputy Managing Editor Kali Geldis also spoke to The Daily Wrap about getting mortgage advice through social media. She advises using Twitter as a resource for mortgage news and lists her favorite members to follow.


When US News and World Report did a story on the five best credit cards for business rewards, they called on expert Gerri Detweiler for input. She points out that no matter what card you choose, if your FICO score isnโ€™t high enough you may not get the best rate offered.

@Gerridetweiler @USNews @DanielBortz

ABC News wrote about an unfortunate case of an elderly woman being turned for credit due to her age. Gerri Detweiler stepped in to point out that under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act the elderly are not to be discriminated against when it comes to credit.


Next Avenue offers tips on how to avoid your ex spouse ruining your credit after divorce. Gerri wastes no time to point out that bad marks stay on your credit score for seven years and that precautions should be made to not live with the bad decisions of others for such a long period of time.

@kerryhannon @NextAvenue

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