In The News: Privacy Protection

Between Obama taking a strong stance this week on consumer privacy, and consumers feeling the pain of fraud at ever-increasing rates, many major news outlets have tackled the issue of identity theft and protection recently. Our credit and privacy experts hit the circuit to share their knowledge and arm consumers with tools to protect themselves, visiting the White House, and talking to Bloomberg, ABC News, and MSN Money. Hereโ€™s a recap: co-founder, Adam Levin on Privacy from The White House

Last week President Obama unveiled the Privacy Bill of Rights, and our very own Adam Levin was at the White House to cover the story. He told Bloomberg about how we canโ€™t stop technology from invading our privacy and provides practical solutions for protection for the public and personally for consumers. He explains that this one of the most important topics and concerns of the digital age and everyone should be mindful of privacy protection.

Our top in-house investigative journalist and news-breaker examines why identity theft ranks first among consumer complaints. Adam Levin also sounds off about some of the practical reasoning and disturbingly pervasive trends in ID theft. This story also has great expert advice on how to protect yourself from becoming a victim.

Chris Maagโ€™s identity protection crusade also caught the eye of ABC News, who ran a story about the possibility of ID theft through taxi credit card use. After writer Cory Doctorow noticed a warning sign in a cab alerting customers their credit/debit card information may not be safe, debate raged online whether drivers really wanted to protect their passengersโ€™ information, or if they just wanted to scare them into using cash because itโ€™s easier for the taxi driver to deal with.

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