Don’t Forget These Things When you Move

Moving to a new place can be bittersweet. On the one hand, it’s an exciting change. On the other, you may be sad because you are leaving all the memories, neighbors, and environment you were used to behind.

Regardless of how you feel, the move must go on. For most people, it goes smoothly. But things may quickly change course if you’re in a rush, and you realize you left behind one or more essential items.

The good news is with a bit of planning, you can ensure your move goes smoothly, and you can avoid scenarios like this. This article outlines the 10 most important things you need to ensure you pack before you make that final move.

  1. Medications and Toiletries

Christine Daves, owner of Think Organized has this to say about packing – “I always tell clients to pack a suitcase like you’re going out of town for two days, and longer if the move is cross-country. Your toothbrush might be [in a box] in the garage, and your PJs might be in the kitchen. It’s just easier if everything you need is in one place—your suitcase.”

Ensure your supply of toilet paper and hand soap is enough to last you for regular use for the first few weeks. Your new home may not have a convenience store close by or you may be too swamped settling in to take time out to get what you need.

Also, it is important to include all medications and supplements in your handbag or another place you can easily access when packing.

  1. Important Documents

When packing, keep all your important documents somewhere you can easily access. Also, keep all the necessary documents for your old and new place in locations that are easily accessible to you at all times. An ideal location is in a folder inside your bag.

  1. Valuable Items

It is essential you put everything you own of value or importance to you into a bag that you’ll keep close to you. It’s not uncommon to find out that money, jewelry, or even family heirlooms go missing as the movers shuttle between point A and point B.

If you can’t keep these items close to you, then you should consider getting a safety deposit box where you can safely store your items before you make the move.

  1. Cleaning Supplies

While we all expect our new home to be clean before our arrival, that may not always be the case. With movers making trips in and out of your house all day, odds are your home will need a bit of cleaning before you can completely settle in.

Some things to keep handy are a vacuum or a broom and a dustpan so you can easily clean up after moving day is over. The last thing you want to do after a long day of moving is wake up to a mess the next day.

  1. Shower Curtain and a Plunger

These are probably the most forgotten items ever. Or for those who remember to pack them, they usually stow them away in a box and end up forgetting the exact box they were packed in. If possible, pack these items alongside your toiletries.

Also, don’t forget to pack your towel.

  1. Kids’ Toys

The last thing you want after a long day of moving is to find out you forgot the box containing your kids’ favorite toys or favorite blanket. If possible, pack these in a specially marked box and label it accordingly.

  1. Chargers

Just in case you didn’t know, these should never be thrown into a box. The last thing you want on moving day is to go through multiple boxes to figure out where that tiny wire for your iPhone is. Along with your important documents, these should be put in a bag that is within arm’s reach for you or someplace easily accessible and properly labeled.

  1. Food

Whether it’s a bag containing everyone’s favorite snacks, a bucket of chicken you picked up along the way, or leftovers from the meal you made the previous night, it’s essential you pack something to chow down on after you successfully completed the move. After all, you may not feel like making another trip to go pick up dinner, or you might get hungry in the car if you’re moving cross country.

  1. Paper Plates and Disposable Cutlery

You probably won’t be able to reach the box that contains all your fine china and other dishware within the first few days of unpacking. And after eating pizza or takeout straight from the containers for a few days, you may start to miss the feeling of a proper meal.

Having disposable plates, cups, paper towels, and cutlery will help you deal with this, and because they are disposable, you don’t have to worry about cleaning up afterward.

  1. Don’t Forget to Pack for Your Pet

Your child has a favorite blanket or a favorite toy that you packed away in a safe place. In the same respect, it’s essential you pack up everything your pet may need in the new home as well.

Imagine this, you decide to take a break from unpacking, and you want to take your dog out for a walk to explore your new environment better, and you have no idea where the leash or doggie bags are. Or even worse, you forget his meal, food and water bowls or even his favorite toy. You may even want to pack a separate bag for him.

Bottom Line

Moving day can be exciting but overwhelming! Remembering these things when you move can help it go smoother. Making a checklist of everything you’ll need to have on you can help prevent the stresses of moving day and help you stay organized.

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