How to Actually Make Experts’ Money Advice Work for You

Personal finance is rarely a required subject in high school and college, leaving many on their own to figure out money management. When you research online, you are often bombarded with many different opinions on the topic. Asking experts can often leave you lost in the financial jargon. It is easy to feel overwhelmed, stressed and frustrated by the information. Between paying off debts, saving, investing, and budgeting, there is a lot to consider for every penny. Here are some tips below to stay sane while figuring out your finances.

1. Create a Plan

Sometimes it can seem like there are just too many things to think about. Creating a plan can help you feel some control over the process. It’s important to determine where you stand financially right now and what goals are most important to you. Are you trying to pay off a mortgage, save for your kid’s college education or make sure your retirement is on track? Then it can be a good idea to break down each of your long-term goals into short-term action plans.

2. Focus on One Thing at a Time

Once you have your overall big picture set up, you can focus on each piece. There are several aspects to money management and you may feel less stressed if you look at them and plan for each part separately. If you are working with a professional, it can be a good idea to dedicate chunks of time or sessions to the pieces you need the most help with, from saving for retirement, building credit to deciding whether to buy or rent.

3. Check In & Get Support

Now that a plan is in motion, it’s important to check up on your progress. Track where you are every month and take active steps if it does not seem like you are making good progress on your goals. (If you’re building credit, for example, you can track your credit score progress using free online tools like those at

It may feel isolating if you are struggling with your finances. It can be a good idea to seek out others who are just as focused. Whether it be from a family member, friend, co-worker, online community or professional adviser, it’s a good idea to reach out when you need support.

4. Be Honest, But Stay Positive

One of the most important aspects of personal finance is being honest with yourself and others about your situation as well as your knowledge and objectives. Staying positive can make a big difference. If you aren’t happy with where you are, try to focus on what you’re learning or how far you’ve come. Also, you can think about all the things you like about your life besides money.

More Money-Saving Reads:

Image: iStock

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