The FBI Plans to Track Your Tweets

The FBI is asking tech companies to help it monitor people who use Facebook, Twitter, blogs and other social media. In a request for information posted on its website in mid-January, the bureau asks for help creating software that would monitor social media websites for potential threats, and immediately report them back to the bureauโ€™s Strategic Information and Operations Center.

โ€œThe application must have the ability to rapidly assemble critical open source information and intelligence that will allow SIOC to quickly vet, identify, and geo-locate breaking events, incidents and emerging threats,โ€ according to the request.

The goal is to create a system that automatically scrapes social networking sites, and allows FBI agents to perform searches, looking for โ€œpossible emerging threats to National Security, key government personnel or any criminal activityโ€ that falls under the FBIโ€™s jurisdiction.

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Plans to increase the governmentโ€™s surveillance of the Internet quickly gained the attention of privacy organizations and members of Congress. After filing a lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act, the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) uncovered documents proving that the Department of Homeland Security already is operating a surveillance program similar to the one the FBI has in mind.

The group uncovered evidence that the project tracks media stories that โ€œreflect adverselyโ€ on the department. One report generated by the program summarizes blogs and comments on social networking sites criticizing the governmentโ€™s plan to bring Guantanamo detainees to American prisons, according to the groupโ€™s summary.

EPIC has filed a lawsuit against the department over the practice.

Meanwhile, in Congress, the Committee on Homeland Securityโ€™s Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence planned to hold a hearing this week to ask representatives of the Homeland Security department about its social media surveillance program.

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